Saturday, June 01, 2024

Welcome To Monte Mar.

Our Club is an integral part of a complex that includes a restaurant, taverna, summer swimming pool and a bowling green that is open all year round. Although we are one of the youngest bowling clubs in Spain the facilities and bowling green are still considered to be amongst the best in the country. The bowling green consists of six rinks that have been fitted to the very highest of standards. Our Club is affiliated to Levante Lawn Bowls (LLB) and therefore competes in all inter-club competitions. Monte Mar also hosts Open Bowling Events that attracts many of the best bowlers in Spain. We also host many internal bowling competitions which run throughout the year. If you have never bowled before come along and give it a try (you may surprise yourself). New bowling and social members are always welcome.

Roll Up Days.

Our roll-up days are held every Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10:00 for 10:30. Sunday mornings are Club Days, 10:00 for 10:30, and can also be used for roll-ups unless the session is required for internal or other competitions. One or two rinks on a Sunday morning may also be reserved for coaching sessions. Roll-up days are designed give all bowlers, new and experienced, practice whilst competing and a chance to regularly meet up with other Club members and friends.

Not Just A Bowls Club.

We organise a multitude of regular social events such as meals out at local venues and occasional Dinner/Dances with superb entertainment. The Club also arranges excursions to other parts of Spain and short holiday breaks which are great value and very popular with all of our members. You don´t have to be a bowler, you can join our Club as a Social Member and enjoy all the benefits of the Club´s social activities throughout the year.

Member’s Newsletter.

All members receive a regular newsletter, sent by email, to inform them about upcoming social events that have been organised by the Club such as dinner/dances, latest excursions, restaurant days out etc. etc. We also update members with other important information about the Club such as special events, meetings and internal bowling tournaments. If you are not already getting the Newsletter and wish to get on the mailing list just subscribe as under.

Club Sponsors

Associated Websites

Monte Mar Complex (25)
Monte Mar Complex (4)
Monte Mar Complex (18)
Monte Mar Complex (2)
Monte Mar Complex (6)
Monte Mar Complex (26)
Monte Mar Complex (27)
Monte Mar Complex (28)
Monte Mar Complex (29)
Monte Mar Complex (30)
Monte Mar Complex (35)
Monte Mar Complex (34)
Monte Mar Complex (33)
Monte Mar Complex (32)
Monte Mar Complex (31)

Committee Members.

Find Us.

Sat. Nav. Co-ordinates …. 38.233929, -0.542363
For much more information about our location click HERE


Latest Commemts

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