LLB Dress Code (Updated April 2023)
White, Cream or a colour registered with the LLB Secretary – Bowling skirt, bowling dress (both of which to be of minimum length mid knee), skort (which must be Bermuda length) tailored trousers, cropped tailored trousers or tailored Bermuda length shorts are acceptable. (Bermuda length is 3 inches above the knee to the middle of the knee).
Blouses, Polo shirts or other similar. Tops may be worn sleeveless BUT must have a collar. If sleeveless must be of a modest design. If a Club has registered with the LLB Secretary that they intend to wear coloured clothing this acceptable provided the whole SIDE wears them at any event.
Jogging bottoms, track suit bottoms or jeans are NOT acceptable. Shorts, or cropped trousers with draw strings, toggles, large outside patch pockets or other adornments on the legs are NOT acceptable.
White, Cream or a colour registered with the LLB Secretary – Tailored trousers or tailored Bermuda length shorts with white shirt. Shirts MUST have sleeves and a collar. Coloured clothing is acceptable provided they have been registered with the LLB Secretary and are worn by the whole SIDE at any event. (Bermuda length is 3 inches above the knee to the middle of the knee).
Jogging bottoms, track suit bottoms, jeans, cropped trousers or shorts with large outside or patch pockets on the legs are NOT acceptable.
The official definition of Bermuda length is – from 3 inches above the knee to the middle of the knee.
As stated in the LLB Constitution…
Footwear designed for playing bowls is to be worn. If footwear NOT designed for bowling is purchased then they MUST have a flat smooth heel-less sole added. Sandals and other open shoes MUST have a back strap.
All headgear must be predominantly white. However if a Club has elected to wear coloured clothing then the same colour headgear may be worn.
a) Participants in all matches, tournaments and competitions under the patronage of the LLB must observe the LLB dress code at all times. Failure to do so will result in that player being unable to play in that match/tournament/league/competition whilst
incorrectly dressed.
The meeting was called for the sole purpose of discussing the LLB Dress Code in relation to footwear.
At present the ruling is :
“Flat smooth-soled heel-less footwear, designed for bowling,are to be worn. Sandals and other open
shoes MUST have a back strap. Such footwear must be predominantly white, brown, grey or black.
NO other form of footwear is acceptable”
This precludes the new style of bowls footwear which do not conform with the above colours, ie blue,
pale yellow etc. AND within these guidelines people should not be buying other forms or footwear
and ADAPTING them for bowling.
The colour, even at the previous meeting, was not too much of the problem – it was the soles on
the newer type of bowls shoes – they are ‘sculptured’. However, these have been around & worn for
quite sometime without people taking that much notice. (A sample shoe over 2 years old was shown)
Quesada had received some information from both Dales & Greengauge (who are Henselite). Both
manufacturers advised that shoes produced are approved by World Bowls for both indoor and outdoor
wear and are not detrimental to carpets. They try to ensure that a substantial part of the contact area of the sole of the shoe is flat and smooth – substantial being generally over 51%.
Proposed new LLB Dress Code in relation to footwear :
Flat smooth-soled heel-less footwear, designed for bowling, is to be worn. If footwear NOT designed for bowling is purchased then they MUST have a flat smooth heel-less sole added. Sandals and other open shoes MUST have a back strap.
At this point La Marina stated that they have a Club Rule that states only flat smooth soled footwear
and nothing else is allowed. Other clubs possible have this in their Rules but will amend them to
allow for the new proposed LLB Dress Code. La Marina, at the time, did not seem to want to accept changing their Rule but if this is to be the case then other club players will be unable to play there and
hence possibly no leagues could be played at La Marina.
A vote was taken with 3 postal votes received :
The proposed new dress code was unanimously carried with immediate effect and the LLB Constitution amended accordingly.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.35am