
Wednesday 13th November 2024

Name Post
C Harding Chairman
J Harding Secretary
S Hindle Club Captain/Match Secretary
J Hunt Vice Captain
S Bounds Treasurer
L Bounds Membership Secretary
P Dodd Competition Secretary
S Roberts Press Officer

1. Apologies
Apologies from Graham Smyth

2. Minutes of the last Meeting
The Minutes were agreed and signed as a true record

3. Outstanding Actions
There was no Outstanding Action

4. Chairman´s Report
The Chairman informed the Committee of his recent meeting, along with the Treasurer with the Owner. He was pleased to be able to confirm that he had accepted €6,000 membership fees for the coming year. He confirmed that the meeting had been constructive and helpful. The Chairman then raised the issue of a member using bad language on the rink during a recent Club Competition match. He also indicated that it was known that the member had been under personal stress for a while and importantly had apologised on an individual basis to those members who had been present. After some discussion the Committee agreed that the Chairman should write to the individual stating that whilst his actions were unacceptable the Committee would be taking no further action on this occasion.

5. Secretary´s Report/Correspondence
The Secretary confirmed that the following notices were on the notice board:-
Date changes for the Winter Valencian Championships
LLB Committee Minutes
Notice that sadly the LLB South Alicante League Co-ordinator had suddenly passed away.
Revised LLB Calendar
New dates for the Calpe Open

The Secretary also confirmed that she had put on the notice board in the shed the contact details of those members who were willing to act as Markers in the Club Championships

6. Club Captain´s Report
The Captain confirmed that he had ordered 10 new club shirts as a number of members had asked to purchase them. The delivery time would be 4 – 6 weeks and the cost would be €38 per shirt.

It was also agreed that the Captain would raise, at the next LLB Meeting, that it was not helpful that the leagues would resume on Monday 6th January after the Christmas and New Year break. In particular 6th January is Three Kings Day and also some members would not have returned from the U.K.

7. Treasurer´s Report
The Treasurer reported that October had been a good month financially for the Club and we have been able to increase the carpet fund and pay the Owner.

We also had to pay the renewal for the maintenance of our website, which has to be paid every two years.

The Captain raised the problem of members putting their names down for meals after competitions, but then not turning up. It was agreed that in future, if this happened members would still be required to pay for the meal.

The accounts were endorsed with thanks to the Treasurer.

8. Membership Secretary´s Report
The Membership Secretary confirmed that currently we have 96 members of which 45 were bowling members and 51 social members.

The bowling members break down to 33 twelve month, 3 eight month and 9 non resident.

So far this is a slight increase on last year´s numbers and he anticipated we would get a few more members over the next few weeks.

The Membership Secretary confirmed that he had put the details of the Christmas morning roll-up on the Friends Facepage and that anyone attending should advise Howie.

9. Match Secretary´s Report
The Match Secretary reported that the last Internal Club Competition of the year would be the Ladies Invitation. We already have 30 names for the buffet after the event.

Since May we have already organised 14 Internal Competitions, all of which have raised money for the Club. He went on to confirm that we certainly need someone to stand as Match Secretary at the AGM next year, as the amount of work is fairly demanding if you are doing two jobs.

He confirmed that the La Piedra Competition had gone well last week and we had an enjoyable meal at the restaurant after the match.

10. Competition Secretary´s Report
The Competition Secretary reported that the Club Competition was going well, with most of the quarter finals already completed.

11. Social Sub Committee Report
The Social Sub Committee provided a written report, covering the following points:-

The mini golf day and lunch at Greenlands were extremely successful.
The shopping trip to La Zenia, with lunch at The Pines Restaurant is all confirmed. The Club Christmas Lunch has to be re-arranged as Portico Mar Restaurant has closed down and a suitable alternative restaurant The Rendevous has been booked. The Social Club team will be meeting in the next few weeks to discuss the programme for 2025.

12. Press Officer´s Report
The Press Officer advised that all was running smoothly and there was nothing further to report.

13. Any Other Business
The Treasurer reported that the Club´s Christmas draw was being well supported. Along with the Secretary she had sorted out hampers as prizes from Dialprix.

The date of the next Meeting is T.B.A.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.15.